Friday, April 1, 2011

Want To Reduce Clutter? Here Are 10 Things You Can Live Without

  1. BOOKS - Yes, most of us hang on to them like children. Yes, I was an English major and I am an avid reader, however they just take up way too much space. Keep 1 or 3 of your absolute favorites, then donate the rest, and make the small investment in an ereader, or better yet....a library card! The Nook retails for $149, The Kindle retails for $139 and if your feeling crazy, the iPad starts at $499.  If you live in Hoboken, you can always donate used books to Symposia on Washington St. If you don't live near Hoboken, NJ check out For The Love Of Books for some ideas on where to donate used books. 

2.   ALL THOSE CREDIT CARD AND BANK STATEMENTS - I see this all the time. People hold on to these things forever and have stacks and stacks, files and files of papers they never look at. I personally am a big fan of banking online, but even if you are not an online banker, you can request that your statements be emailed to you rather than snail mailed, therefore eliminating the paper completely (and saving a few trees!).

3. EXTRA DISHES - Get rid of mismatched sets, anything chipped or just plain not used in a year. Look at serving pieces and really think about what you use, not what you think you may use someday. While you're add it, pair down that tupperware. All you really need is 3 nesting bowls and about 5-7 pieces of smaller containers. Go one step further if you have kids, pair down those sippy cups not used or missing straws, baby bowls and plates.

4. BROKEN AND/OR UNUSED ELECTRONICS - Get rid of things that no longer work or have not been used in 1 year. No you won't fix it and no you will not use it in the future.  If you live in Hoboken you can dispose of these in a responsible manner by depositing them in an electronic recycling container at the Municipal Building on the corner of Observer Highway and Willow. If you don't live in Hoboken,  check out Mashable's website for places to donate and recycle.

5. TOYS - Yes, it's a hell of a job, but needs to be done. All those puzzles missing pieces and those Barbies missing legs need to go. Make a pile of keep, donate and trash. If you live in Hoboken, Hudson Milestones accepts toys and baby gear donations for low income families with developmentally challenged children. Also In Jesus Name Charities will accept toys (among other things) for the less fortunate. Contact April Harris.  If you don't live in Hoboken, NJ, check local charities to see if they accept toy donations. Also the Vietnam Veterans of America will come pick them up from your house.

6. LINENS AND BLANKETS - Pair down all those mismatched pillowcases, sheets with holes, uncomfortable pillows, and blankets you never use. Each bed in your house only needs 2 sets of sheets max. Think about the last time you used that blanket and decide if it's really worth taking up space. This category can take up a lot of room, so pair it down. If looking to donate your unwanted linens, your local homeless shelter is always a good place to start. 

7. CLOTHES - Yes, get into that closet and clean it out! Anything you haven't worn in a year needs to go. And let's get rid of those skinny jeans you've held onto for 3 years. Just think, if you get back to that size, you'll definitely want to reward yourself with a new pair of jeans, not the old ones that have been sitting in the back of your closet for years. It's time to take an honest look at what you really wear. Enlist the help of a friend. It's amazing how an outsiders opinion can really help clear out the things you have a hard time parting with. Salvation Army will always take clothing donations. Another great place to donate your business attire is your local chapter of Dress For Success.

8. KITCHEN PANTRY -  I know many people, myself included that tend to get all clogged up in the pantry. Sometimes it's as simple as not remembering when you're at the store that you already have 2 bottles of ketchup in your pantry, so you pick up another. But this, like the previous things, needs to be weeded out. Get rid of thing that have been in there longer than 3 months. Go through your spices. After you get rid of what old and opened, expired or stale, make a point to start using what's in there before you run out and refill it. Of course, many places will take food donations. Your local homeless shelters or food banks are great places to start.

9. MUSIC CDs - This one is currently on my personal to-do list. CDs can take up a ton of space and in this day and age, I really don't see why any of us are wasting our valuable space with this stuff. It is time to download all that music onto your iTunes library or an external hard drive. This is probably not something that can be tackled in one sitting, but make a goal that you do 20 CDs a week. It is definitely a time consuming project, however well worth it. It will not only free up space in your life, but now your music will be much, much easier to access. Now what to do with all those old CDs? Check out Planet for some great ideas (some will even make you money!!)

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